Author's Note


A few things I'd like to clear


This book mainly takes place in London, England. It also has mentions of other countries though.

I'm Indian and I've never been to England or any other mentioned country personally.

So there might be times when I've written something wrong. Or something that doesn't work in that particular place. Or anything like that.

So I am open to suggestions and would love it if you all correct and guide me in a POLITE manner.

I'm always open to suggestions.


English is not my first language. That means I may have some grammatical errors.

Once again I'm open to corrections and guidance in a POLITE manner.


I don't know the correct translations of most of the languages spoken worldwide. So I will be depending on Google to translate it for me.

Thought I'll mostly write in English, I might use another language to fit the part or whatever. So the translations will be provided.

If by any chance I forget to translate kindly inform me so that I can add it or you can just write the translation in the comments section yourself.


It is VERY IMPORTANT for me to know how you feel about the book in general or even a particular chapter. Now, I cannot read minds. Especially of people I can't see.

So if you like something, please tell me.

If you dislike something, please tell me.

If you're disappointed, angry, happy, sad, any emotion whatsoever, please tell me.

I love it when readers comment or message me about my book.


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